I’m a
born, raised, and living in Yelamu (San Francisco, CA). Some other places I consider homes: 29 Palms (Mar'rah), New York (Lenapehoking), Lago di Como (Lombardy). I consider myself a community weaver, and view ritual, shared meals, art-sharing, and dancing to be regenerative practices core to activism and transformation.
Some relevant descriptors that inform my identity: queer, anti-zionist diasporist Jew (Ashkenazi with a touch of Sephardic and Romani), deep ecologist, neurodivergent, chronically ill, covid cautious.
who has collaborated with individuals, organizations, and institutions in the arts, nonprofit, science, and entertainment sectors. I’m interested in how knowledge is created, archived, and accessed to spur action and connection between people and their environments.
who uses use language as a medium to explore ecologies of care, scales of intimacy, and queer utopian world-building. Primarily a love poet, my work seeks to offer prayers and visions for alternative futures and nourishing presents. Publishing isn't currently a part of my practice.